Prayer: Please But Not Thank You?

Scrolling thru social media, sitting in prayer meetings, talking with acquaintances in the check-out line, and even listening to ourselves…these are all places we can see and hear our prayer requests.  We have many.  We should.  As Christians, we put our faith in God and He alone is our crutch, our shoulder, who we run to when we are helpless and can’t get answers and solutions.  God wants us to do this.  Psalm 121:2:  “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”  Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things thru him who strengthens me.”  Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

But, do you ever just thank God for all he has done for you already, for the promises he has made to you, and the future he is preparing for you?  I don’t.  I am like a lot of us.  I catch myself asking and asking and rarely thanking.  I have, often times, even apologized for not thanking him right away when a prayer was answered in MY favor (they are all in our favor whether we understand it, or accept it, or not).

Let this sink in that, for the times we forgot, God already knew we weren’t going to thank him.  He already knew we would be so happy (or so upset) over the circumstance in question that we just wouldn’t remember to stop and lift up a “thank you”….and he still heard and answered us!  That’s our Heavenly Father for ya.

I’m not sure how it makes him feel when we forget.  For me, for example, if I hold the door open for someone and they don’t say thank you it takes all I have not to pull them back thru that door.  Perhaps we could all try harder saying “thank you”, especially to God.  It’s a habit we could strive for at the end of each day, at the least, because there is always something to say “thank you” for.♥

JP/Grace and Pink

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